Which Plastic Storage Bins Should I Buy? Advice From A Professional Organizer
By A Jones For Organizing In General organizing, Paper organizing, Usability ProblemUPDATE: new lids
As of Summer 2021, Target has redesigned their 28-quart and 56-quart clear bins to have new, sturdier lids. NEW UPDATE: Some of the IKEA SAMLA bins now have newly designed lids with a tiny nubbin to latch the lid onto the box more securely. At my local Round Rock Ikea store, I was able to find some new latching lids for the 3 gallon and 6 gallon size. As they sell through their inventory of the older version, they will obtain more of the newer lids. Yay!!
What Difference Does It Make, Which Bins I Choose?
Shopping for plastic storage bins can be bewildering. Big, small, clear, solid colors, aren’t they all the same? Actually, no. Weight capacity, sturdiness, and visibility are important considerations. Read on for the purrrrfect sizes of plastic storage bins to buy from Target, The Container Store, and IKEA.
Bin There, Done That
Professional organizers know the best storage bins. We spend a lot of time lifting, sorting, and re-containerizing items for our clients. Spoiler alert: large, solid color bins like the ones show below are not optimal. Smaller, clear plastic storage bins are much better.
I know what you’re thinking.
What about cardboard boxes? Why not use those for storage? Cardboard boxes are great for moving. But for long-term storage, they win the prize for The Wooooorst. I’ll explain why later.
Books Are Heavy, Man
Books are physically heavy, and are often emotionally significant. You might ask, why keep books in long-term storage if you don’t have enough bookcase space? Well, many people regard specific books as cherished old friends. (I can definitely relate.) As Marie Kondo would say, those books “spark joy.”
*** The Minimalist approach does not work for everyone. My job as a professional organizer is to help you decide what you love and want to keep, not to urge you to get rid of everything. ***
So I say, keep those books if you love them! Let’s figure out how to honor your cherished friends and store them carefully.
Ready For A Quiz?
Which of these are best for storing books?
If you answered, “none of the above,” you are correct! These are all MUCH TOO BIG for storing heavy items. Some of these bins shown here have other Usability Problems, but they are all too large for books and paper.
Size Matters
Big, oversized bins are not good options for storing papers and books. Paper is surprisingly heavy when there’s a lot of it. My free pro tip for you: heavy things like books and files should always be stored in smaller bins. Your back muscles will thank you. Your family members who will deal with your belongings later will thank you. And your professional organizer will thank you, too.
*** My free pro tip for you:
heavy things should aaaalways be stored in smaller bins. ***
Bins That Can Talk Nonstop
Now that I’ve lectured told you about using smaller plastic storage bins for heavy items, let’s discuss bins that will talk to you.
In A Clear Bin, You Can See Forever
(She thinks bins can talk? Should we stage an intervention?) Well, they do talk to you! Clear plastic storage bins are great communicators. After I finish an organizing project for my client, transparent bins will continue to broadcast their contents to them, for years after I am gone. With solid color bins, it is impossible to know what is inside and their labels aren’t always trustworthy.
Hey, Over Here, Here We Are!
See below, how these clear bins tell my client “Hey, here we are! Your books and papers are right here!” (Don’t you love how perfectly 3 of these IKEA SAMLA bins fit across the shelves? Sometimes it’s like a fun game of Tetris.)
Okay, You’ve Convinced Me. Smaller, Clear Plastic Storage Bins. Now, Which Stores: Container Store, Target, IKEA?
Here are my favorite clear plastic storage bins from these stores. They come in a range of prices and levels of sturdiness.
If you are lucky enough to have an IKEA nearby, they are a great source for inexpensive clear SAMLA bins of various sizes.
IKEA SAMLA Clear Plastic Storage Bins
PROS: They are quite affordable, good quality, sturdy, and you can stack them up high. The lids are clear so you can see the contents from above. The labels are marvelously easy to peel off.
CONS: They have some interior molding that reduces the interior volume capacity. The lids, sold separately, rest lightly on top of the box with no audible “click.” So be warned: a breeze or a jostle can knock the lids off. NEW UPDATE: they have now redesigned the lids to have a tiny nubbin that latches the lid onto the box. As they sell through their inventory of the older lids, more new lids should become available.
The 6 gallon SAMLA bin at IKEA is about the same size as the Container Store’s Deep Sweater Box, but costs less. This size is perfect for storing books and other heavy items. Files will also fit in this size, as long as you fill it up full. Further down, I’ll discuss plastic file boxes with rrrrrrridges. But for an inexpensive way to store a bunch of heavy paper, the SAMLA 6-gallon box is a super bargain.
Container Store
For the widest variety of sizes and types, you can’t beat the clear plastic bins at The Container Store. They range in size from small 7 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ accessory boxes that can serve as drawer dividers, all the way to 35 1/2″ long shallow underbed boxes, perfect for longer toys or pieces of holiday decor.
Container Store Clear Plastic Storage Bins
PROS: Good quality. They are sturdy and can be stacked up high. You get maximum volume capacity because they don’t have interior molding like some other plastic bins do. The lids are clear so you can see the contents from above. The lids fit well and “click” when you push them on. Most sizes are designed to fit and stack together well.
CONS: Some are more expensive than comparable sized bins available elsewhere, so decide which advantages are important to you. The adhesive price tags are sometimes difficult to remove.
For storing heavy items such as books or files, I like to use the Container Store’s Sweater Box, the Deep Sweater Box or the Boot Box.
Target Clear Plastic Storage Bins
Do you have bigger, lightweight items to store, such as large toys, holiday decorations, stuffed animals, or bedding? These 56 quart clear Sterilite bins are my favorite for larger, lightweight things. (Yes, I said lightweight only! Pillows! Stuffed animals! Christmas garlands! Don’t fill these with books, paper, or heavy things!)
Sterilite 56-quart Clear Plastic Storage Bins
PROS: The 56-quart size is just right for larger (lightweight!) things like holiday decor, etc. They have no interior molding so you get maximum volume for the size. The lids make a satisfying “click” when you close them. The Sterilite labels are marvelously easy to peel off. For bigger items, these are a great bargain.
CONS: They are not as sturdily constructed as plastic file boxes are (more about those further down). Therefore, you cannot fill these bins with very heavy things and stack them up high and expect them to hold up. You can stack them up about 3 high, but more than that might make the lids bend and break. The lids are solid colors (usually white or blue) so you cannot see the contents from above.
Sterilite 28-quart and 32-quart Clear Plastic Storage Bins
Target carries a 28-quart shallow bin with a solid color lid, and a 32-quart shallow bin with a clear lid. The lids have been recently redesigned and seem pretty sturdy. If you are simply stacking them, then the clear lid isn’t as important. But if you store these under your bed and pull them out, you will be able to see the contents much more easily with the 32-quart clear lid. These bins are similar in size and shape as the Container Store Boot Box.
PROS: The shallow 28-quart and 32-quart sizes are just right for flatter, heavier things, and larger books. The store adhesive labels are marvelously easy to remove. They are inexpensive, and a great value.
CONS: The lids on the Target bins might bend or break if you stack them too high with heavy contents.
Cat Not Available Online Or In Store
Here is a Sterilite 28-quart bin with solid color lid, and a Container Store Boot Box with a clear lid. As you can see, they are about the same size, purrrrfect for large books or heavy items. If the ability to see the contents quickly from above is important (and it often is!), then the clear lid version will be worth every penny.
Plastic File Boxes Have Rrrrrrrridges!
These file boxes with interior ridges are the absolute best way to store paper files. Staples, Office Depot, and Container Store carry these. The built-in ridges support the hooks on hanging files. This means that you can slide the files back and forth and access them, much more easily than in an IKEA SAMLA box or Container Store Deep Sweater Box.
What About Storing Legal Size Papers?
Got legal-size files instead of letter-size? No problem! File boxes are cleverly designed to hold either letter or legal size. Legal size files will fit lengthwise, while letter size files will fit in sideways. I love thoughtful, double-duty design like this!
PROS: These file storage boxes are heavy duty and very sturdy. You can stack them up high with confidence, without the lid cracking or failing. The lids “thunk” when you set them on and will not fall off when jostled. You can also find weather-tight file boxes. CONS: They are sometimes more expensive than comparable-sized boxes.
PRO TIP: Choose either clear lids for visibility or solid color lids for privacy.
Want to easily see the file labels from above? Get file boxes with clear lids. Want to keep those file labels private from nosy co-workers or others? Get file boxes with solid color lids instead. See below for a side by side comparison. Best Tips For Managing Your Papers: Labeling Files
In Conclusion, Let’s Discuss Your Big, Oversized, Solid Color Plastic Storage Bins
I know that you already have bins like these. Everyone has bins like these. Why? Because they are very inexpensive, and therefore they seem like the best solution for storing lots of things. They are not The Absolute Wooooorst for long-term storage, because that is cardboard. But these bins have several Usability Problems:
Sing It With Me! You Know The Words!
(1) They are too big. You know it’s true. Oversized plastic storage bins just tempt you to put too much heavy stuff in them. Especially paper and books. Will you promise me that you will only keep lightweight things in them? Like holiday garlands? Or extra bed pillows? Promise?
(2) They are not clear, so you can’t see what’s inside. You have to hope that they are labeled well, which, hey, brings me to the bonus reason:
(3) Labels often don’t stick to them. It’s a delicious bit of irony, isn’t it? On clear plastic storage bins, where you can SEE the contents, adhesive labels will happily stay put. But solid color bins are often rubberized and sometimes even textured. Those kinds of surfaces will shed an adhesive label like springtime trees shed pollen in Austin.
Those rubberized solid color bins will shed an adhesive label like springtime trees shed pollen in Austin.
Yes, you can use duct tape and whatnot to make the labels stick. But a better solution would be to keep your belongings in smaller, clear plastic storage bins.
But, My Camping Gear Fits In Those Big Bins!
Ah, camping! The daily newspaper at the door. The freshly made bed. The mint on the pillow at night. What? Ok, so my idea of camping is when the hotel doesn’t have room service. I know that there are lots of people who love camping, because I have organized their camping gear for them.
But, bear with me here because I’m JUST ASKING: Have you sometimes thrown some small, heavy camping items into those large plastic storage bins? Heavy things that could fit in smaller, less back-breaking bins? Like, for instance, cast iron skillets? Hmmmm?
Cardboard Is The Absolute Woooorst
Remember at the beginning when you were asking, “Why do I need to buy plastic storage bins at all? Aren’t those inexpensive cardboard boxes all I need?” To answer this, I give you Exhibit A. So many things are wrong with this picture. Shall I list them?
(1) These boxes are WAY too large for books. You know that now.
(2) You can’t see what’s inside. Not only that, but you can’t trust the label. See (3).
(3) Cardboard boxes crumple very easily. Sure, these boxes are labeled “Books,” and books aren’t breakable. But surprise!* At the top of the box, someone had stuffed in a cute decorative ceramic object. And yes, when those boxes were unpacked, that ceramic object was indeed broken and ruined.
(*I was not surprised.)
(4) Cardboard gets wet and moldy. Wet cardboard (and dry cardboard for that matter) will attract critters. We have a lot of bugs, roaches, silverfish, and mice in Austin and Central Texas. All of these little beasts LOVE cardboard. Do you want to give these critters exactly what they love? I didn’t think so.
Go Forth And Organize
If you are organizing your things yourself, I hope this helps you make better choices when buying plastic storage bins. If the idea of doing it yourself is overwhelming, hire a professional organizer! See my FAQ page for answers to your questions.
I would love to know about YOUR thoughts on plastic storage bins!
Fun overview of the options. I agree that people tend to overload the boxes, and then they are too unwieldy to access. I love a clear bin, and I especially like the ones with the “flip top” lids, so you don’t have to worry about mismatching bins and lids. It is good to know that there are many options to meet a variety of budgets.
Thanks Seana! That is true. Those flip top boxes mean that you will never lose the lid!
Your writing style cracks me up, Carol, partly because I know you personally and can just picture you talking about these things. And I agree with every word! I tend towards Sterilite, since we only recently got a local Container store, and still have no IKEA. The shelving in your photo, though, looks just like mine, so I might have to order a few IKEA SAMLA bins for them. (Home Depot 12-gal flip-top storage bins, 2 per shelf, being my go-to for those shelves.)
Thanks Hazel! I figure if I’m going to have to write such a loooooong article (I had a lot to say about storage bins!) I might as well try to make it a little entertaining too. I hope you get an IKEA sometime soon!
You have a wonderful sense of humor, Carol. I especially loved your clever headings like, “Bin There, Done That!” This post particularly resonated with me since I was recently working with a client in her garage (after she downsized and moved.) We were organizing the boxes into categories based on what needed to happen with them next (edit, store, unpack later). Almost all of the cardboard boxes got emptied, and only the plastic containers remained. Most of those were clear, but the few that were solid (not see-through,) my client wanted to throw out. Even though the brightly colored masking tape labels adhered beautifully, she only liked the bins that gave the double cue of seeing inside and reading the label.
My favorite, favorite bins are from The Container Store, as in the ones you featured above. What I like about them is their availability, consistency, quality, versatility, and price. They maximize the interior space of the bin, and the tops are smooth, so less dust collects in crevices.
Thanks Linda! Some of my clients are the same way – once they see the benefit of having transparent bins over the solid color ones, they want to get rid of them too. I love the Container Store clear bins as well. They sometimes cost more, but you do get what you pay for!
Wow! Some great advice on containers. Love it. I see so many poorly used bins. A little education goes a long way to better storage.
Thanks Janet! It’s one of those things that our clients just don’t know enough about, but we do, because we wrangle with storage bins all the time!
I love this post! You went into great detail about so many bins. I don’t have IKEA near me, so The Container Store clear bins you mentioned are my favorites, along with clear Sterilite bins from Target. I agree with your dislike of those big solid colored bins, and the fact that labels don’t stay on them makes them even worse options for storage!
Thanks Nancy!
OMG Carol your writing style is so funny and perfect. I agree wholeheartedly with your explanations of types of boxes/bins. Thank you so much for a clear, concise summary. You are preaching to the choir, sista’.
Sing it!
I love your “what’s wrong with this picture?” posts on Facebook!
Thank you John! I will be posting my “Find The Usability Problem” articles here on my website soon!
Great info Carol – and cleverly written!
Thank you Jean! I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress!
Always love your posts! Wish I had read your advice about big plastic boxes 20 years ago. Pro tip: they make good storage for taking donations to charity. I agree with all of your points about boxes, but after all these years of breaking/losing lids, I don’t think I’d buy a Sterilite box for anything at all I wanted to keep more than briefly (I do live with careless teens who stack things carelessly though.)
I’m currently liking the Cosco clear squarish boxes that come in a 3-pack (although they are a little large, they aren’t oversized.) Time will tell how sturdy they turn out to be in the long run.
Thanks Jen! Yes, that’s a good point: those oversized solid color bins do indeed come in handy for taking your donated items to charities! Right, the lids on the clear Sterilite bins at Target can crack if you stack them too high. They are such a good price, though. I love using them for storing stuffed animals and large lightweight things like that. Let me know if the square Costco ones work well for you!
I am looking for boxes with lids that you can put ‘lengthwise’ on a regular shelf. The Sterlite 6 qt shoe box (13 5/8×8 1/4×4 7/8) (and it seems like every other so called ‘shoe box’) does NOT fit. I found some in Target probably 5-6 years ago and stupid me didn’t buy a bunch. They had a pattern on the sides and lid and have KIS stamped in them. They are 11.25x7x5. I also ended up with several from Dirt Cheap that are a little taller and wider and heavier and have a sort of ‘latch’ on the lid. I want boxes I can put lengthwise and still close the cupboard door but use up all the space.
Hi Teresa! Would the 1 gallon SAMLA box from IKEA work for you? It’s a similar size to the KIS box you described. The 1 gallon SAMLA box is 11″ long x 7.5″ wide x 5.5″ high. The lids are sold separately. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/samla-box-clear-70102972/ It definitely fits in a typical upper kitchen cabinet with the short side facing front, and you can still close the cupboard door. What are you planning to store in them? Kitchen items? Or craft items? Or something else?
I need a 20 inch square shallow bin. I have looked at all your suggestions but cannot find that measurement, advise please! I needs to fit in a particular space, similar to a drawer.
Eman, it’s going to be difficult to find that particular size. The closest thing would be an Elfa mesh wide 1-runner drawer (SKU#: 10032099 at containerstore.com), that is 20-3/4″ x 20-3/4″ x 3-1/4″ h. What are you needing that size for? What do you plan to store in it?
What is the best way to figure out just what containers we can fit in our new garage overhead storage area? We want to make the most of this new storage space, and it will be a collection of holiday, beach, garden, patio…the whole ‘kitten-caboodle’…I’d love to have a calculation based on available space…like a high school geometry puzzle, but that’s the geek in me. Any advice?
Hi Gabrielle! Ha, it *is* like a geometry puzzle! I would say, the most important measurement of the space inside the overhead storage area is the height to the ceiling. You want to give yourself a few inches of open space above the stored bins, to be able to easily retrieve them. For instance, if the height up there is 31″, you could technically stack a couple of 15″ high bins on top of each other. But it would likely be too difficult to pull them out when you need them. So, allow for some wiggle room, and make it easy on yourself to fetch the bins once they are up there. Please let me know how it goes!
What about my bubble wrapped China collection? What should I use
Hi Mary! Since dishes can be heavy, I suggest choosing multiple small bins instead of large ones. See the article for recommendations for bins from IKEA, Container Store, and Target.
Thank you SOOO much. You taught me about organizing and gave me practice names and stores to help me get started. One article in, and I’m a huge fan. Much love, Mark
Well thought out! I’m not sure if you mentioned it, I don’t see information anywhere though books have been mentioned. Which containers would I use to store books. I’d like to stack the containers, no shelves, so the lids need to be strong. I suppose the box shouldn’t be too big. But then I’d need quite a few containers.
Brocho, yes, since books are heavy, you need more smaller containers instead of fewer larger ones. The 6 gallon IKEA SAMLA boxes, the Container Store Deep Sweater Boxes, the Container Store Boot Boxes, and the Target shallow 32-quart boxes are all good choices for storing books.
What shelving do you use for the ikea bins to fit so perfectly? Referring to the first picture. Can you recommend the shelving units to use?
Thanks for the question, Joanne! Three of those 6-gallon IKEA SAMLA bins are about 32″ across. So, any shelving that has at least 32″ width, can accommodate those bins. You can find shelving like that at Lowe’s or Home Depot, or other big box stores.
I was going crazy trying to figure out what storage bins to buy, so thanks SO MUCH for spelling it out with specific products! I also love your writing style!
Thanks Sade, glad I was able to help!
I’ll be using this as a reference when I shop. Thank you for your kindness and expertise.
Thanks Shannon, I’m glad I was able to help!
Thank you for the info concerning the best type and size storage containers and lids for larger items vs lightweight or smaller items. I found this to be quite useful.
Thanks Tay, I’m glad I was able to help!
Hi there! Great article, love it! Do you have the photo of the Closet of Bins with the bin sizes noted on the various bins for a quick visual reference?
Hi, thanks for the kind comment! If you are referring to the picture of the Container Store bins, you can find all the sizes and dimensions of those bins at this link. Our Clear Storage Boxes
This was a fun and entertaining approach with useful information. I thank you for your time, expertise, and wit. You have convinced me to go with multiple, smaller, clear containers, for my basement Spring Cleaning event in the next couple of weeks. Happy organizing!
Hurray! Have fun with your Spring Cleaning, Christy!
I plan to use storage bins as the base of my queen size mattress and box spring and forgo the bed frame. I moved into a small srudio-ish apartment that has no closets or storage. My solution – to use the storage bins for seasonal items (holiday stuff) and winter clothes, blankets, etc. I’ve seen it done before but not sure as to go with the 18 gallon bins or 10 gallon ones. (18 gallon containers about 10ish or the smaller ones?)
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I don’t recommend using storage bins as the base of your bed. They will not be strong enough to support the bed, and you would have to move the entire bed to access the contents. Instead, shop for a bed frame that has drawers built into the frame.
I stack at least 92 clear Christmas bins in our attic strapped with twine enabling the recipient to grab the box while assuring the contents don’t bury the lifter. I decorate extensively for all holidays and would like a recommendation for sturdier strapping but not drain our retirement funds. Thanks for your anticipated advice unless you suggest a therapist for hoarding! Holiday decorating is my happy Rx.
My, 92 bins! I’m glad your holiday decorations bring you so much joy, Diane. You can find plastic straps for boxes, by searching online for packaging strapping. But twine might be your most economical solution.
Hi, I am currently planning to store Lego by sets inside Bankers/ file cardboard boxes, inside which I would use plastic box for each set. Or do you have smaller boxes with lids appropriate for that idea.
I am also open to plastic file boxes but they are too big for 1 set.
Hi Simon! For the most variety of sizes of plastic bins with lids, The Container Store will be your best bet. This page on their website has eleven different sizes. https://www.containerstore.com/s/storage/plastic-bins-baskets/our-clear-storage-boxes/12d?productId=11004743